About Us

About Us

We are a locally owned and operated company located in Kenosha, WI. We have extensive knowledge and expertise in the history and operation of Dock Levelers and Truck Restraints. Identifying your equipment and figuring out what is necessary for a fix is half of the battle. We can typically do that with a few pictures and a phone call or email. That is what sets us apart from the rest.
We service SE Wisconsin mainly. We can service anywhere in Wisconsin if our customer can help gather pictures and information necessary for identification and quoting purposes. At that point we can schedule the repair or we can ship the parts to you for your maintenance department to repair.

Why Choose Us

Milwaukee is the birthplace of the dock leveler. From humble beginnings, dock leveler design and manufacture has evolved into a monster of over-engineering, patent circumvention, and serious innovation.
Simply put: each manufacturer tried to reinvent the dock leveler. The end result: dock leveler owners are at the mercy of the dock leveler manufacturers. This is where we come in. We have gained the insider knowledge necessary to identify and fix common and uncommon issues with each manufacturer and type of dock leveler. We also have access to the highest quality replacement parts for nearly every manufacturer and type as well.
We aim to be as transparent and accommodating as possible. Our quotes and invoices break down costs in simple and easy to follow categories. An invoice total should never be a surprise. If you receive a quote lower than ours, we will either match it, or explain why we cannot match it and recommend the lower bidder.